Fuso dumper 6d17 engine well maintained from Japan
Fighter miginon UBK small head Model, 2000 Engine, 16 Pricе Contact
Fuso Mignon UBG Model, 2001 Price , Contact
Canter boxbody UBA Model, 1995 Price Condition, excellent Contact
ROSA 2017 model very neat and clean
Fuso 6d16 built with box and covered well, everything done only service and start working
Fuso Supergreat well built box ready to transport goods with powerful engine 6d40
Supergreat Fuso 6d24 engine refrigerator
Fuso Tipper with 6d16 engine very powerful engine, pay 60% and start making money
Fuso truck with a crane it can load itself and off load
Fuso baby face 6d17 double original frame, everything still intact
Fuso originally 6d17 engine long chassis, pay 45m and balance in 18months
Fuso Fighter Mignon 6d16 engine
Fuso 20ft deposit 50% , you make money
Fuso 6d16 21ft pay 60% and start earning 400k per day and balance in 18months
Mistubishi canter deeper 4d 33 at 78m
Good condition for all friends
Good vehicle For transportation of goods
Fuso fighter 6d17 engine well maintained, good chassis
Canter Mitsubishi UBD